FOP Lodge 30 would like to congratulate all the newly promoted Corporals, Sergeants, and Lieutenants. We would also like to congratulate the 3 newly hired police officers on graduating the Camden County Police Academy. Amongst the newly promoted staff was Lt. Mankowski and Lt. Gabe, who are the departments first and second female lieutenants ever in history.
- Newly sworn Officers: Spencer Brooks, Daniel Grace, and Michael Tegan
- Promoted to Corporal: Barjam Hoxha, Justin Palmer, and Andrew Simko
- Promoted to Sergeant: Brian Bullion, Joseph Ebling, Francis Fullerton, Kevin McClintock, Jonathan McDonnell, John Meiler, and Jonathan J. Michel
- Promoted to Lieutenant: André Brown, Jessica Gabe, Sean Longfellow, Allison Mankoski, John Santry, and Michael Voll
Congratulations to all!