Every year FOP Lodge 30 conducts a T-Shirt/ Sweatshirt Fundraiser. The funds raised will go towards supporting the union’s annual Christmas Toy Drive which allows us to hold a Christmas pizza party for the children of Holy Name School in Camden, NJ. The funds raised also go towards extra toys for the children that the toy drive that is conducted in the PATCO Stations does not supply.
Click on the links below to download the flyer and order form that can be filled in via Microsoft Word or you can print it out and complete it by hand (please be neat). On the order form I have listed all the pertinent information. I will be accepting forms through email along with electronic payment via Venmo and PayPal. Emailing the form and electronic payment is the PREFERRED method because it is easier to keep track of and also due to pandemic restrictions. If you do decide to send a hard copy along with cash or check via interdepartmental envelope, please email me so I know to keep an eye out for your form. Once I receive your order forms and payment I will email you acknowledging that I received it.
After November 19th the order will be placed. The orders should be in by the first week of December. The orders will be distributed to a centralized location to a bridge facility of your choice. Once the orders are distributed, I will send an email out informing the same.
Make checks payable to FOP LODGE 30.
Email: jssmith@drpa.org Venmo: @jsmittyyy PayPal: jsmittyyy@hotmail.com Phone: 856-287-2615
Scan this QR code with your phone to Venmo me directly!